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Painting Plantation Shutters: Make Them Look Brand New!

Painting Plantation Shutters
Painting Plantation Shutters

Painting Plantation Shutters is a great way to instantly update your home decor and have your old Plantation Shutters looking brand new.

The job of Painting Plantation Shutters is easier than it may first seem. Much easier than replacing them! We recommend Painting Plantation Shutters rather than replacing them or looking for other window covering options.

Here’s why . . .

Painting Plantation Shutters

If your window coverings have lost their color over the years, you don’t have to spend tones of money on replacing them, you can simply repaint them.

Trust us, by Painting Plantation Shutters rather then replacing them you will not only to give your old shutters some color and shine, but also refresh the look of your interior. Your old Plantation Shutters will look brand new! White or cream colored Shutters tend to get dirty over time or otherwise damaged. If this is the case for your Plantation Shutters why not give them a fresh paint job?

What to consider before Painting Plantation Shutters

Before Painting Plantation shutters try to plan all your steps before starting. This way you will avoid potential problems along the way. Remember, once you’ve started painting, it will be too late to go back so make sure you are confident with your choices before you start. This includes getting all the things you need and determining the place you are going to paint the shutters at. Also, since you will need to take down the shutters, make sure to remember (or even write down) the process, since this way you will have no problem in putting the shutters back up. To guarantee successfully painted Plantation Shutters follow the following steps.

Painting Plantation Shutters Steps

Before Painting Plantation Shutters you will need to detach them from the window.  It is important to properly mark each panel, in order of returning them into the right position, once the painting is done. Once you have removed the Plantation Shutters from the windows, remove all the hardware, like hinges, hooks or knobs attached to the panels. This will only take a few minutes but it will save you all the time of trying to cover or mask the marks later.

Next, thoroughly clean the panels. Any dirt on the surface will not only make it harder for the paint to the Plantation Shutter’s surface. This can be done with a cloth, warm water and detergent. Make sure the Shutters are completely dry before painting.

To provide a good painting surface, scrape the Plantation Shutters using some metal paint scraper and some sandpaper. This way you will get a smooth surface much easier to paint. Don’t over scrape as you may damage the panels.

Before Painting Plantation Shutters paint the entire surface with a thin coat of primer to help the paint stick.

Before Painting Plantation Shutters prepare the working place. You can either hang the panels up to allow you to paint both sides simultaneously or place them onto the floor, previously covered with some newspaper or an old cloth. Using this method means you will have to paint the blinds one side at a time.

When Painting Plantation Shutters use smooth even strokes or even a spray paint to reduce lines.

When you have completed the Plantation Shutters, make sure that the paint has dried completely and reattach the shutters to the window. If you have previously marked their original position and kept all the screws in one place, this should not be a challenging task.

Step back and take a look at your newly painted Plantation Shutters.

If you need any more information on Painting Plantation Shutters contact us.

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